I Love A Fat Bitch!

I never thought I would said this but, “I loved a Fat Bitch.”
Don’t get your panties in a bunch BBW’s. “Fat Bitch”, is the name of the one woman show by Erica Watson. Yes she is beautiful (wouldn’t have to hit it from the back, as to not see her face, yes I been guilty of it in my younger days..lol..), yes she is funny (not humiliating herself for a cheap laugh) and yes she holds it down for the BBW’s (knows who she is).
A good friend of mine who knows of my love for the big beautiful women told me about the show and suggested that I attend. With the title being what it was, I didn’t know what to expect. The show started with a query from the artist Erica Watson, about the title of the show and quickly moved on to some of the more serious subjects that concern the BBW community.
The crowd in the standing room only theatre was peppered with people of all colors and sizes. I sat next too a middle aged Caucasian woman of medium stature that didn’t stop laughing from the beginning of the show until the end. I wondered throughout the show the appropriateness of someone like her laughing at some of the more sensitive moments in the performance. It didn’t take me long to realize that I was being overly sensitive myself and that Erica Watson had broached all of these BBW subjects to illicit these very same responses from everyone in the theatre, not just her BBW sisters. I allowed myself to laugh at some things I would not normally laugh about.
I couldn’t tell how many of the men there were BBW lovers, but one thing is for sure Erica gave any man there a reason to take a precarious gander at taking a BBW as a lover. I did so enjoy watching her move her lovely fullness.
The show was exciting and certainly different , not what you would expect and I loved that fact. She kept it real and bravely put her business out there and I give her credit for the way in which she presented the difficulties she faced in her life as a "pretty face". Being a writer myself, I hate it when anyone steals my words, so I’ll have to give Erica partial credit when I say, “Fat ugly bitches” may not appreciate the show as much as others.
I met Erica after the show and she was as real and spontaneous in person as she appeared to be on stage (not my experience with talents of her caliber) and did I mention as sexxy as she wants to be. For those of you who were able to attend I know the only complaint you may have about the show was ...you wished there was MORE of Erica Watson...hmmm more , yes sir and for those of you who didn't catch the show, you missed out on healthy servings of laughs and insight.
I love a Fat Bitch!
Make Sure you check out Erica's Site and stay tuned, she is definately one to watch.. for more reasons than you think. Yum
"So let it be written, so let it be done"